与中石化北京化工研究院交流会顺利进行 | 2022-01-21 |
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【Soft Matter Lecture 139】Sonopharmacology and Sonogenetics: Activating drugs, proteins and genes by ultrasound | 22-08-2023 - 04:41 |
【Soft Matter Lecture 138】Sulfoxide Polymers as Nanomedicines | 22-08-2023 - 04:38 |
【Soft Matter Lecture 137】The Rise and Promise of Artificial Molecular Machines in Polymer Chemistry and Materials Science | 14-08-2023 - 10:35 |
【Soft Matter Lecture 136】聚烯烃高值化与升级利用 | 08-06-2023 - 10:42 |
【Soft Matter Lecture 135】Greener production approaches for therapeutic peptides | 08-06-2023 - 10:39 |
【Soft Matter Lecture 134】Chemical Tools to Study Biological Systems | 08-06-2023 - 10:37 |
【Soft Matter Lecture 133】工业结晶科学与工程实践 | 31-05-2023 - 02:33 |
【Soft Matter Lecture 132】基于五元环内酯催化合成新型可持续性高分子材料 | 30-05-2023 - 07:07 |
【Soft Matter Lecture 131】By-design Functional Polymeric Materials Enabled by Dynamic Covalent Chemistry | 16-05-2023 - 12:09 |
【Soft Matter Lecture 130】软物质遇见机器学习——微结构调控机制研究 | 16-05-2023 - 12:00 |